April 19, 2017
The 16-member UW2020 Council then ranked the 119 submitted proposals and final selections were made by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education leadership. The 21 funded projects include 137 faculty from 10 schools and colleges. Projects are funded for two years with the average award totaling $372,923.
Projects involving CVRC trainers and previous trainees are:
- Co-principal investigators: Peiman Hematti, professor of medicine; Amish Raval, associate professor of medicine
- Co-investigators: John Kink, scientist, UW Carbone Cancer Center; Eric Schmuck, assistant scientist, medicine; Sydney Walker, research associate, medicine
- Collaborators: Timothy Hacker, senior scientist, Cardiovascular Research Center and director, Cardiovascular Physiology Core Facility; Timothy Kamp, professor of medicine
A CRISPR/Cas9 Based Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Principal investigator: Subhojit Roy, professor of pathology
- Collaborators: William Murphy, professor of biomedical engineering and orthopedics; Su-Chun Zhang, professor of neuroscience and neurology
- Co-investigators: Weibo Cai, associate professor of radiology; Ying Ge, associate professor of cell and regenerative biology