Dudley Lamming, Matthew Merrins and the CVRC’s Timothy Hacker Receive Grant

December 13, 2017

CVRC Senior Scientist, Timothy Hacker, PhD, is a co-investigator of a proposal just awarded $2.26M over 5 years called, “The regulation of health and longevity by branched-chain amino acids.”

Dudley Lamming, PhD (pictured at left), assistant professor, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, has been awarded $2.26M over five years (R01 award) by the National Institutes of Health for a proposal entitled, “The regulation of health and longevity by branched-chain amino acids.” Co-investigators are Matthew Merrins, PhD (pictured in middle), assistant professor, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism and Timothy Hacker, PhD (pictured at right), senior scientist, Cardiovascular Research Center.

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