Understanding atrial fibrillation in patients with high blood pressure

January 12th, 2018


CVRC trainer, Alexey Glukhov, PhD, assistant professor, Cardiovascular Medicine, has been awarded $100,000 over two years by the Wisconsin Partnership Program’s New Investigator Program for a proposal entitled, “Mechano-Electrical Feedback in Pathophysiology of Atrial Fibrillation: Novel Strategy for Antiarrhythmic Therapy.” The research study is aimed at understanding atrial fibrillation in patients with high blood pressure.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an abnormal heart rhythm characterized by rapid and irregular beating of the atria and often occurs in individuals with high blood pressure. AF is the most common serious cardiac rhythm disorder and significantly increases a person’s risk for heart failure and stroke. Management of AF currently focuses primarily on preventing such complications, rather than curing the disease. Greater understanding of these mechanisms is expected to lead to the development of new therapies and ultimately reduce treatment costs and decrease the number of patients affected by AF.

Read more: Vital Signs | UW School of Medicine and Public Health