The UW Cardiovascular Research Center’s Training Program in Translational Cardiovascular Science (TPTCS) announces the availability of predoctoral and postdoctoral trainee positions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for individuals whose research interests align with cardiovascular science. Year 21 of the Training Program in Translational Cardiovascular Science begins September 1, 2021 and we look forward to recruiting another group of outstanding trainees to our program!
Anyone currently training a strong pre- or post-doctoral candidate in the area of cardiovascular science is encouraged to submit an application by Friday, May 28, 2021.
For new applications, please find attached the candidate eligibility criteria and application requirements for predoc and postdoc trainees. All required application forms should be combined into a single pdf and submitted to Katie Randall ( by the deadline.
For candidates seeking a Second Year of Funding:
- Trainee must show evidence of planned or pending individual fellowship or grant application.
- Trainee must have evidence of satisfactory productivity from first year of support.
- The availability or potential for other sources of stipend support and the impact of this funding for the trainee and the trainer’s research program will be reviewed in an application for second year funding.
To apply for a second year of funding on the Training Program in Translational Cardiovascular Science, trainers must submit a letter of support addressing items listed above. The letter should accompany the Annual Progress Report that the trainee submitted for the previous year and will be sent to the Selection Committee for review.
We seek candidates who are clearly on track for an outstanding career in cardiovascular research. The TPTCS focus areas include heart failure/contractility, ion channels/arrhythmias and vascular biology/atherosclerosis, but trainees with interests more broadly related to any area of cardiovascular research are invited to apply.
Members of under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
If you have any questions please direct them to me ( or program administrator Katarzyna Borys (
We look forward to another successful year!
Application Process – Cardiovascular Research Center – UW–Madison (
Yr 21 Predoc Application letter
Yr 21 Postdoc Application letter