Abstract Submission

Myofilament Meeting (June 18-21, 2016)

“Local and Global Regulatory Networks in Muscle”

Abstract Submissions

Cash awards will be given to the top two trainee presenters at the ECI Symposium on Saturday and to the top three trainee presenters each day on Sunday and Monday. Award winners will be asked to give a two-slide oral presentation.

The DEADLINE for abstract submission is Wednesday, May 11, 2016.

Please send your submission electronically to Christine Tydrich, christine.tydrich@wisc.edu

Format requirements:

    • Word document
    • 1 page
    • Arial 11 font
    • 1″ margins
    • Title: Initial caps only
    • Center Title and Author(s)
    • Left justify body of abstract

Please indicate which of the following categories best fits your poster/abstract. Posters must fit on boards provided by Monona Terrace that measure 7’7″ wide by 3’8″ tall.

    • Regulation & Regulatory Signaling Networks
    • Cardiomyopathies
    • Length Dependent Force Development
    • Models of Contraction/Regulation
    • Determinants of Relaxation
    • Elastic Proteins of Muscle
    • Thick/Thin Filament Structure
    • Smooth Muscle Regulation
    • Thick Filament Regulation in Striated Muscle